Thursday, February 14, 2008


This is Called "You are your own Island" It just shows how people trap them into situations that they hate. It as if they are trapped on a Island.

This one should be easy, "Raisin Burn" is a play of the "Raisin Bran" box. I think of it is that the Sun is changing or something else is doing it. I just can't see how all the things the earth has been through that we could do something to it. The Earth is fine and it is us that will be removed... In the words of George Carlin "We're F@$%"
"Iraq's Pain" is all about the miss leading of the country into war. The Target was missed and Iraq payed the price with their blood and their Oil.

George Bush acts like a Nazi with his policies and attitude toward the world. I find it odd that he has a Grandfather who was directly tide to Hitlers banks. Then the Pope who happens to have been a Nazi at a young age, the strange part is that the Pope made the first visit to the states while we have George in Term HMMmmmm....

The Nerd Finally pops his Cherry with a little bit of help, this was the first shirt I made. If you got this one we can move on...

I will add more soon.....

Don't forget to visit my Cafepress shop to pick up your own shirt seen here..

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